Thursday, November 19, 2009

Patsy Lassiter Announces for County Treasurer--2010

I would like to take this opportunity to announce my bid for re-election in the March 2, 2010 Democratic Primary election. I have served for 2 terms as County Treasurer.

During my time as County Treasurer I have served on the County Treasurer’s Association (CTAT) Education Committee for 5 years. The education committee is responsible for program format and content of seminars required by State law to maintain continuing education credits for County Treasurers. CTAT also provides legislative updates and is a general support system for County Treasurer’s across the State of Texas.

In 2003 I earned a County Investment Officer Certification in compliance with Section 2256.008 of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act which qualifies me to oversee the investment of public funds. A County Official who is certified under standards adopted by the Texas Association of Counties demonstrates to the public a commitment to ensure the safety of County funds and earn the maximum interest allowed through prudent and legal investing of the County funds.

I have maintained the 20 hours of Treasurer’s continuing education and 10 hours of Public Funds Investments Act and 20 hours of County Investment Officer training that is required per year.

I feel that I have accomplished a great deal in the 7 years that I have been in office.
I have worked with the Commissioner’s Court to get the best Health Plan for employees and to keep costs as low as possible for the County.
Direct deposit has been implemented to better serve the employee’s and reduce the County’s costs.

The Treasurer’s office worked with Commissioner’s Court to revise our Policy and Procedure Manual, which was approved by Commissioner’s Court September 2009.

It has been very fulfilling to serve the citizens of Cherokee County as its Treasurer and I look forward to the next 4 years.

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