Monday, November 22, 2010

Wondering About All Those Pre-filed Bills????

If you've been hearing about the 500 or so pre-filed bill in the Texas Legislature that begins in January, you might wonder just what they are all about.  You can check and see if bills that are of special interest to you have been filed.  Go to the Texas Legislature Online and type in a key word that reflects the topic you are interested in, such as immigration, education, taxes, banking, and etc.  If Bills in that category have been filed then a list will appear.  Be sure to choose 82 (R) 2011 in the box beside Legislature.  If you wish to see bills from  past legislative sessions, then choose that legislative session, such as 81 (R) and so on.  The numbers such as 81(1) or 79 (3) reflect the session number and the special session.  R refers to the regular session.  The coming session of the Texas Legislature in Austin will be number 82. 

While you are looking online be sure to become familiar with both the House and Senate sites so you'll be ready when the session starts to tune in to committee hearings and broadcasts of the sessions live.  You can also check on hearings and sessions after the fact as they are all recorded and archived.  During 2010 committees have been meeting and discussing the Interim Charges so you might find that of interest.

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