Saturday, November 20, 2010

Looking Ahead to the 2011 Legislative Session

Looking ahead to January and the 2011 legislative session of the Texas Legislature is somewhat of a grim view.  Like other sessions before, this one begins with a large budget deficit.  Budget deficits usually mean even less money for healthcare for children, less money for poor families.  And it often means increasing regressive taxes (sales tax) and many other punitive measures for those without means and a voice to be heard.  The budget will likely drive the session in many ways.

Now is not too early to begin looking at what the budget deficit will mean for us this year especially when you factor in the Texas House is now 99 Republicans and 51 Democrats.  The Dallas Morning News recently published an article on the budget which you might find interesting and helpful as we try to understand where we are headed in 2011.

Another issue that seems to be of great concern to our legislators is immigration.  More than 20 of pre-filed bills deal with immigration.  Some are classifed as similar to the Arizona bill and other are concerned with law enforcement, benefits, and employer enforcement.  A listing of these bills is found in this article from The Burnt Orange Report. A Part II is promised so you can keep your eye out for that. 

Other links that might help you keep up with what is coming to Texas next year:
The Texas Tribune
Texas Impact  (this is a group that lobbies for issues of concern to mainline churches)
Texas Freedom Network
TFN Insider
Center for Public Policy Priorities

Leave you comments and let us know what you are thinking.

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