Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mark Your Calendars

Meeting 1--

Open to all Cherokee County Democrats
On Saturday, August 18th, 10:00 AM, Precinct 3 will hold their meeting at my home (Johanna Reagan) in Bullard, 118 Dogwood Lakes Circle (Eagle's Bluff on Lake Palestine). Caesar Roy, our Precinct Chair, has invited the Editor of the Jacksonville Daily Progress to speak to us that morning, he also extends an invitation to all members of the Cherokee County Democratic Club living in other precincts to attend and bring guests with you.

Meeting 2

On Thursday evening, August 23rd, at 6:30 PM the Texas Democratic Women will meet at the Wok in Jacksonville and at 7:00 PM the full Cherokee County Democratic Club will meet. Please be prepared to turn in your money for tickets at that time. We need to let the Lon Morris caterer know how many people will attend the dinner. Our deadline is Labor Day. Also plan to bring your Silent Auction items for the dinner.

Auction Information

Dear Fellow Cherokee County Democrats,
We hope you have made plans to attend the Cherokee County Democratic Club’s Fall Banquet set for Saturday, Sept. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wilson Administration Bldg. at Lon Morris College.
We have set a goal of raising $5,000 from ticket and table sales and a silent auction to fund our Get-Out-The-Vote effort for local candidates and the Democratic ticket in the upcoming 2008 elections.

We are asking each club member to donate an item for the silent auction.
Ideas for auction items are: something homemade like pickles, a pie or a quilt, a gift basket, a gift certificate for an area restaurant or a service like a massage or manicure, an item from your business, collectible Democratic memorabilia, art, crafts or maybe even an item you own that someone else would like.

Please e-mail Cyndi Reed at cyndireed@netzero.com or call 903-539-2632 and tell her:
1. What you are donating
2. An estimated retail value
3. If you are bringing it to the Aug. 23 regular meeting or are going to leave it with Mary Brown by Aug. 23 at the counseling office at 703 South Main in Jacksonville. They are open 8 to 5 most days. Mary recommends you call first (903-586-6736) if you are going during lunch or after noon on Fridays.

Thank you in advance for helping us put more Democrats in office.

The banquet auction committee
Joseph and Cindy Steagall,
Joan Pace
Cyndi Reed

1 comment:

ETDEM said...

We now have messages for the Sept. 8th banquet from Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. It's going to be a great evening. Hope you all have your tickets!