Friday, February 22, 2008

Cherokee County Democratic Club Meeting February 28

Cherokee County Democratic Club Meeting, February 28, 2008, 7:00 PM Parish Hall, Shady Grove Church of Christ on Farm Road 2962 off 84 East Rusk, Texas

The Cherokee County Democratic Club will meet on Thursday, February 28, 2008 7:00 PM and hold a Covered Dish Supper at the Parish Hall in the back of Shady Grove Church of Christ on Farm Road 2962 off 84 East in Rusk, Texas. Our hostess, Mrs. Sammi Attaway, will be preparing beans, cornbread and her renowned peach cobbler. Please bring a dish to share. This meeting is just before the historic March 4 Texas Primary so all Democrats, independents and interested Republicans are invited to attend. Club members will select a representative to speak on behalf of their Democratic candidate for President and we will have training for Primary Day Precinct and Convention Workers.

Special messages to voters in Cherokee County from Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton will be read.

The Texas Democratic Women will meet at 6:30 PM at the same location and will discuss the upcoming Convention of the Texas Democratic Women taking place that weekend in Austin.

Everyone is invited to attend these important and exciting meetings. At the close of the meeting we will have a door prize drawing.

For further information contact Joanna Reagan 903-825-6611.

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