Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cherokee County Candidates File for Primary

Three races have multiple candidates in the Cherokee County Democratic Primary. In the race for County Commissioner, Precinct 3: Randy Bonner, Moody Glass, F.E. Hassel; Precinct 2 Constable: Mark Green and Jeremy Jackson; and Precinct 4 Constable: Jamie Beene and Joe Self. Whoever wins the precinct 4 primary race will be the Constable for Precinct 4 as there is no Republican opponent for that race.

In other races two candidates have no primary nor general election opponents: Craig Caldwell, County Attorney and Elmer Beckworth, District Attorney.

Others have no primary race but do have a Republican opponent in the November election:
State Representative Chuck Hopson; District Judge Dwight Phifer; County Tax Assessor Debbie Shreve.

The Cherokee County Primary election is set for March 4. Be sure to vote.

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