Monday, March 28, 2011

Keeping Up With Those Legislators in Austin

Voter ID SB14 bill has been approved by the House.  Since it was amended it will be sent back to the Senate and they will either approved as amended or send it to a conference committe of both houses.  So we have not heard the last of this bill.

The House has also passed HB 1, the Budget Bill.  It is actually CSHB1 (committee substitute for HB1).  It added back some of the money the original bill took out but I don't think it is enough to get excited about.  There are graphs of both versions on  Check it out if you want to see more about where the legislature is in the process.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Public Education and The Budget Topic of Monthly Meeting

       Kathy and Eldridge Moak presented a great program to the Cherokee Democrats at their monthly meeting on March 24.  The Moaks attended the recent rally in Austin that centered on Public Education and concerns about budget cuts.  Given the difficult situation the state (and nation) are in financially, we wondered what can we do?
      Suggestion 1:  Write, call, fax or email Representative Chuck Hopson and Senator Robert Nichols and let them know that education is your top priority and you want it to be their top priority also.
                           Rep. Hopson,  PO Box 2910, Austin, 78768-2910; 866.233.5100, Fax 512.463.8792
                           Senator Nichols, PO Box 12068, Austin, 78711; 800.959.8633, Fax 512.463.1526

    Suggestion 2:  Contact Hopson and Nichols and asked them to sponsor a local forum on education during the session.  We are concerned/scared about what will happen to our schools and we need to hear from them with ideas on what they are doing to help repair the problems with public education.

     Suggestion 3:  Write to local newspapers with your concerns.  Let's get our letters in the newspaper.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cherokee County Democratic Meeting Thursday, March 24

The Cherokee County Democrats
will meet next

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lupe’s restaurant in Jacksonville, the private room
6:30 p.m. – TDW
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. – Cherokee County Democrats

As always, dinner will be available before or during the meeting.

Kathy & Eldridge Moak will lead a discussion of the state of public education in Texas (budget cuts, manipulation of the curriculum, etc.). Whether or not you have school age children or grandchildren, how the Legislature addresses the current crisis will affect all Texans for years to come.