Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Keeping Up With The Legislature

Did you know:  Leo Berman has filed almost 2000 anti-immigration bills this session?

That Rep. Lyle Larson has filed House Bill 684 that would allow counties to house prisoners in tents?

That Texas may allow firearms on college campuses?

That Texas ranks first in children withous health insurance?

That Texas ranks third in the highest teen birth rate?

That Texas has the 5th most regressive tax system?

That Texas ranks 6th in the most children in poverty?

But we are 40th in college degrees and 49th in mental health spending.  (from Texas Observer)

So much to be proud of. 

Cherokee County Demeocratic Club Meeting -- Thursday, February 24

This Thursday the Club will meet at 7 p.m. at Lupe's Restaurant.  The Women's group will meet at 6:30 p.m. Come anytime after 6 p.m. if you wish to eat.  The meeting will be information concerning the pipeline that is scheduled to come through the county.

In preparation for the 7:00 program and discussion, Mary Decker sends along the following information about the TransCanada pipeline.

The following URL links to a report just released today on risks associated with tar sands pipelines, co-authored by Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, and most key, the independent group Pipeline Safety Report.


A local news story about the proposed pipeline - http://www.blogger.com/goog_1657905538

Saturday, February 12, 2011

House Makes Committee Assignments

The House has made their meeting assignments and committee meetings have begun.  You can check out the make up of any committee by going online to http://www.house.state.us.tx/.  The committee meetings can be watched on the internet live or archived.  This is a good way to know what is happening.  News outlets don't always report things acurately.   Hearing it first hand is good idea.

With that in mind you might want to listen to the State Affairs Senate hearings on the Sonagram Bill. The bill as it was filed and the bill that was passed are not the same after amendments.  Listening to Senator Patrick is also an interesting way to spend some time. 

The Senate Finance Committee is having hearings on each part of the Senate Budget Bill.  Each section has invited testimony and public testimony.  If there are parts you are particularlly interested in, you can see what the Committee is being told by the people and by the people they want to hear from.  The hearing on Human Services was interesting as the Senators must sit and listen to people from many of the MR facilities tell why they want funding to be continued to the facilities in which they live.   Mothers bring their children who are in danger of loosing services and show how difficult their lives will be without the programs their children need.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Legislature Is Moving On -- What Do You Think About What's Happening

Well the Senate is not waiting around to get to work this session.  They have named their committees and are at work.  The Finance committee is meeting Monday through Thursday with invited and public testimony.  They began discussing Health and Human Service issues and will continue through each section of the budget.  The Committee on Education has also begun hearings.  If you want to watch any of these committees you can do so online at http://www.senate.state.tx.us/ and look at the list of sessions available.  Texas Impact has posted short snippets of pertinent information on their web page each week -- www.texasimpact.org .  Other ways to keep up with what is happening in Austin:  http://www.texastribune.org/ and http://www.statesman.com/