Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 25 -- Next Club Meeting

The next meeting of the Cherokee County DemocratsThursday, June 25 at the Methodist Church in New Summerfield (behind the high school which is on the will be southwest corner of the intersection of 79 and 110).

We will continue our series of outreach meetings to encourage citizens from all around Cherokee County to voice their concerns about the economy here in East Texas and what is most on their minds. Rep. Chuck Hopson will speak at the meeting Thursday.

The Club meets the fourth Thursday of the month - the Texas Democratic Women at 6:30 PM followed by the CCDems at 7:00 PM.

Reminder - Dues for the Club are $100 sustaining membership, $10 regular memberships and $5 for fixed income, students and seniors. The Texas Democratic Women dues are $20. For further information, contact Marlene Jowell at 903-586-1465.

Hope to see everyone there! Help spread the word!

Leave a comment. Let us know that you are coming to the meeting.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tomato Fest Report | June 25th Club Meeting

Cherokee County Democrats had a good time at the Tomato Fest on Saturday in Downtown Jacksonville. Lots of people came back the booth and picked up one of our special fans. The fans listed the Democratic Office Holders in Cherokee County. Lots of well wishers and thumbs up.

Bill White had a booth at the event also. He dropped by during his swing through East Texas . Mr. White is looking to run for the Senate when Kay Bailey Hutchinson vacates her seat to run for Governor.

Plans are under way for the next club meeting on June 25 in New Summerfield. Chuck Hopson will be our speaker. So put that on your calendar now. Join us for Summer fun and let's learn about what happened in the last legislative session and see what's on the agenda for a called special session expected in July.

Let us know what you are thinking. Leave a comment.