Mark your calendars for the September 13, 2008 Unity Dinner sponsored by the Cherokee County Democratic Party. It will be at Eagle's Bluff Country Club at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 per person and $20 for students.
Invited speakers are: Boyd Richie, State Party Chair; Chuck Hopson, State Representative; Rick Noriega, Senatorial Candidate; and others to be announced later.
You will want to be a part of this fun evening. Bring a friend. Share the excitement as we build to the November election.
(Eagle's Bluff is located on Lake Palestine. From Hwy 69 take 344 West through Bullard and Teaselville. From Teaselville go 1 mile to the sharp left on CR 187. Entrance is 2 miles on the right.)
To reserve a ticket for a table ($240) contact Joanna Reagan 903.825.6611