Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cherokee Democratic Unity Dinner

Mark your calendars for the September 13, 2008 Unity Dinner sponsored by the Cherokee County Democratic Party. It will be at Eagle's Bluff Country Club at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 per person and $20 for students.

Invited speakers are: Boyd Richie, State Party Chair; Chuck Hopson, State Representative; Rick Noriega, Senatorial Candidate; and others to be announced later.

You will want to be a part of this fun evening. Bring a friend. Share the excitement as we build to the November election.

(Eagle's Bluff is located on Lake Palestine. From Hwy 69 take 344 West through Bullard and Teaselville. From Teaselville go 1 mile to the sharp left on CR 187. Entrance is 2 miles on the right.)

To reserve a ticket for a table ($240) contact Joanna Reagan 903.825.6611