Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Caesar A. Roy Elected Chair of the Cherokee County Democratic Party

At a special meeting of the Cherokee County Democratic Executive Committee, Saturday, November 10, 2007, Caesar A. Roy was elected Chairman of the County Democratic Party. The State Democratic Party in Austin has confirmed Mr. Roy’s election. He will serve out the un-expired term of former chair, Eric Penn, who has submitted his resignation. Roy, now retired, is a former senior manager of the Food & Drug Administration, former director at FEMA’s National Emergency Training Center and former laboratory management consultant. Roy stated that as county chair, “my first priority will be to grow the Democratic base and strengthen the party’s grass roots structure, and I look forward to welcoming new democrats and interested independents to our group.” The Cherokee County Chair, heads the Executive Committee and is responsible for the statutory functions of the party; including, running primary elections, collecting filing fees, appointing poll watchers, determining the order of names on the ballot, canvasses primary election results, and sets and publicizes times and places for precinct and county conventions. In addition to these responsibilities, the Cherokee County Executive Committee, which he heads, has primary responsibility for planning and coordinating the general election campaigns of the Democratic Party's nominees within the county. This responsibility includes raising funds for assisting local candidates, supporting the statewide effort for the entire ticket, producing materials and coordinating local services for all Democratic campaigns.
In Cherokee County, the party chairman works closely with the local County Democratic Club in carrying out these non-statutory duties to assure that the party remains a viable and influential political voice in the community.
The 2008 Election Schedule is underway and all interested democrats should file now for Precinct Chair slots before the Jan. 2 deadline. Those interested in attending the Party Convention in Austin on June 6-7 or the National Convention in Denver, Aug. 25-28 can participate in the Dec. 1st training session in Tyler. For location and times go to wishing to file for elected positions in the Democratic Party Primary should contact Roy at 406 Woodhaven Circle, Jacksonville Texas 75766;; 903-253-5419.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November Meeting: Nov. 15 at King Wok Jacksonville

Put the date on your calendar -- November 15. The Cherokee Democrats will meet at King Wok. The Women's group will meet at 6:30 and the entire club at 7 p.m.

We will elect new officers and share plans for the coming primary season.

Don't forget to vote on or before Nov. 6. Sixteen amendments are calling you. Check out these web sites and learn more about the amendments:
Texas Legislative Council
House Research Organization